1  Heat Energy & Thermal Physics

SP1 Heat intro.pdf
SP1 Heat as Energy.pdf
SP1 Temperature scales.pdf
SP1 Heat transfer.pdf
SP1 Laws of thermodynamics.pdf
SP1 Specific heat capacity1.pdf
SP1 Expansion1.pdf
SP1 Expansion 2.pdf
SP1 latent heat1.pdf
SP1 Heat capacity water.pdf
SP1 Calorimetry 1.pdf
SP1 Calorimetry 2.pdf
SP1 Heat Energy 2024 (unf).pdf

PDF of the full  TEXT   Thermal Physics for Level 1 NCEA       (2024 version)

Author :   K.Barrett MInstP     Licence : CC-BY-ND     

Available for free download on the TES website Teaching resource-13086600

Audience : Secondary Physics Year 11+  (Level 1 NCEA)