3  D.C. Capacitors & Capacitance

Topic Guide & Formulae

DC kirchhoff topics.pdf

Capacitors & Capacitance

X capacitors & capacitance.pdf

Charging & Discharging

X Charge discharge & time.pdf

Capacitors in DC circuits

X Caps in Circuits.pdf

Summary  & questions

X summary & questions.pdf

Answers to questions

X Answers to questions.pdf
SP3 DC Capacitors 2024 .pdf

PDF of the FULL TEXT   Electrostatics & DC Capacitors      24 pages (2024 version)

Author :   K.Barrett MInstP     Licence : CC-BY-ND     

Also available for download from thr TES website  Teaching resource 12925306

Audience : Secondary Physics Year 12+  (Level 3 NCEA)

Content: Electrostatics History  -  Electric Fields, energy stored & field strength  -  Parallel plate capacitors -  Capacitance    -  The capacitor equation   -    Charging and discharging  -   current & voltage graphs   -  Time constant  -  Capacitors in series & parallel