3 D.C. Inductors & Induction
Topic Guide & Formulae

Inductors & Inductance
Inductors & Inductance

Induction in loops & coils
Induction in loops & coils

Mutal induction
Mutal induction

Lenz's Law
Lenz's Law

Summary & questions
Summary & questions

Answers to questions
Answers to questions

PDF of the full TEXT Electromagnetism & DC Inductors 20pages (2024 version)
Author : K.Barrett MInstP Licence : CC-BY-ND
Also available on the TES website Teaching resource 12926464
Audience : Secondary Physics Year 12+ (Level 3 NCEA)
Content: Magnetism/magnetic Fields - magnetic flux - flux density - Faraday’s Law of induction - Lenz’s law - Why induction happens - Eddy currents and applications. - Inductance - inductors - current/voltage time graphs - time constant - energy stored - back emf - mutual inductance & transformers